Correspondence: Organizations, 1943-1976

  • 64% Completed
  • 35% Needs Review
Hannah Arendt was in high demand to lend her voice, opinion, and name to a variety of human rights, political, and philosophical causes, and to participate as a speaker in symposiums, conferences, and radio and television interviews. Her file of correspondence received from organizations in the United States and internationally reflects her engagement in issues from civil liberties to cybernetics, democracy, nationalism, international refugee aid, to peace, Watergate, and the Vietnam War. She received prizes and grants from foundations, participated on panels and in institutes, and was approached by news organizations in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, the United States and other areas of the western world. Her organizational correspondence file is made up primarily of letters received, some with enclosed papers and programs, and invitations to write, speak, teach and travel that she both accepted or ignored, or for which she sent regrets. The materials are arranged alphabetically by name of organization and chronologically thereunder, and include items in English, French, and German.

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