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Campaign Tips

Transcribing Arendt
Political theorist and cultural critic Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) fled from Germany and occupied France and came to the U.S. as a Jewish refugee from the Nazi regime.
Correspondence, syllabi, speeches, research materials, and writings convey the public Arendt, a brilliant writer, teacher, activist, and thinker who interacted with a who’s who of fellow literati and intellectuals.
Letters and notes in her papers document Arendt's personal life as a wife, family member, friend, mentor, and colleague.

Transcribing – not translating
This collection includes significant amount of non-English languages. All text should also be transcribed wholly and accurately in the original language.
Use the correct characters when transcribing. You can use alt codes to enter non-English characters.
Do not enter translation! If you want to translate a document, you can share it in History Hub.

Transcribe with OCR
This collection includes a lot of typed pages - you may want to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to get started. OCR is a tool that can extract print text from some documents.
Try out the "Transcribe with OCR" button beneath the image viewer.
Using this button will delete any existing transcription - please only apply it on typed pages.

Transcription basics
Transcribe what you see! Preserve original spelling, punctuation, word order, and page numbers or catalog marks.
Preserve line breaks except when a word breaks over a line or page. Then transcribe it on the line or page where it starts.
Use brackets [ ] around deleted, illegible or partially legible text. Transcribe any words or letters you can't identify as [?].
Access all instructions at any time by clicking the How To tab on the right of this page.

Need more help? Check out the How-To Guide
You can access full instructions at any time while transcribing or reviewing. Just click the blue How-To Guide button above the transcription box.
The guide also includes campaign descriptions and other helpful context under "About This Campaign".
View or print instructions in a separate webpage by visiting How-To at the top of your screen on any page.