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Transcribing Lenny
Composer, conductor, teacher, and social activist Leonard Bernstein defined much of 20th century American music.
He composed for symphonies, ballets, chamber works, operas, a film score, a Mass, and Broadway musicals, notably Candide and West Side Story. He conducted internationally and practically invented musical education on TV.
In this campaign you’ll find rich correspondence among significant colleagues, family, and friends, and fascinating writings, starting with his student days at Harvard.

Transcription basics
Transcribe what you see! Preserve original spelling, punctuation, word order, and page numbers or catalog marks.
Preserve line breaks except when a word breaks over a line or page. Then transcribe it on the line or page where it starts.
Use brackets [ ] around deleted, illegible or partially legible text. Transcribe any words or letters you can't identify as [?].
Access all instructions at any time by clicking the How To tab on the right of this page.

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This campaign contains some difficult-to-read pages. Our viewer filters may help you read light, dark, or blurry pages by allowing you to adjust the brightness and contrast.
Access the filters by clicking on the icon at the top of the image viewer (located between "flip horizontally" and "toggle full page").
The filters build upon each other, so you can apply more than one at a time.