Briefs: Criminal Cases
Briefs are written legal documents presented to a court arguing why one party to a case should prevail over the other. This subsection of “Briefs” includes a range of documents filed on behalf of both defendants and accusers in disturbing criminal cases ranging from murder to assault and battery, arson, abduction, and torture. The section includes other documents describing non-violent crimes as well, such as theft, smuggling of goods, misappropriation of funds and illegal sale of commodities.
Expedientes jurídicos: Casos criminales
Los expedientes jurídicos son documentos legales redactados y llevados ante un tribunal para presentar querellas y argüir por qué una de las partes de un caso debe prevalecer sobre la otra. La subsección de “expedientes jurídicos” incluye una variedad de documentos presentados en nombre de los acusados/demandados y sus acusadores/demandantes en perturbadores casos criminales como homicidio, asalto, incendio provocado, agresión, secuestro y tortura. Esta sección incluye otros documentos descritos como crímenes no violentos como robo, contrabando, malversación de fondos y la venta ilegal de productos.
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![Brief on behalf the Deputies of the Kingdom of Aragón versus José Rodrigo Villalpando, a lieutenant to the Chief Justice [i.e. Justicia Mayor] of the Kingdom of Aragón, concerning criminal charges filed against him for executing criminal sentences in a manner not prescribed by the criminal law of the Kingdom. [July 4, 1699].](
Brief on behalf the Deputies of the Kingdom of Aragón versus José Rodrigo Villalpando, a lieutenant to the Chief Justice [i.e. Justicia Mayor] of the Kingdom of Aragón, concerning criminal charges filed against him for executing criminal sentences in a manner not prescribed by the criminal law of the Kingdom. [July 4, 1699].
![Brief on behalf the Royal Monastery of Tulebras and Juan Lorenzo Martín, the Mayor of the village of Tulebras versus Joaquín Giménez de Antillón, a knight of the order of Santiago, Diego and Francisco Sánchez, Miguel Martínez, José de Gaona, the mayor of the city of Cascante, concerning criminal charges against defendants for the illegal use of common irrigation waters. [Ca. 1731].](
Brief on behalf the Royal Monastery of Tulebras and Juan Lorenzo Martín, the Mayor of the village of Tulebras versus Joaquín Giménez de Antillón, a knight of the order of Santiago, Diego and Francisco Sánchez, Miguel Martínez, José de Gaona, the mayor of the city of Cascante, concerning criminal charges against defendants for the illegal use of common irrigation waters. [Ca. 1731].
![Brief on behalf the brothers José and Antonio Bru Mora de Bañuls versus José Más, Juan Cahis, a judge and chancellor of the village of Tarrasa, José Janer also known by another name as Francina, Francisco Janzo Tinet Valls, concerning the former's unlawful imprisonment, torture and theft allegedly committed by the defendants. [August 2, 1713].](