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Campaign Tips

Transcribing Herencia
Spanish legal documents written in Spanish, Latin, and Catalan between 1300 and 1800 shed light on more than just the law. They document family, religious, property, crime, property, health and finances across centuries.
Transcribe these documents to open the legal history of Spain and Spanish colonies to greater discovery.

Transcribing – not translating
This collection includes significant amount of non-English languages. All text should also be transcribed wholly and accurately in the original language.
Use the correct characters when transcribing. You can use alt codes to enter non-English characters.
Do not enter translation! If you want to translate a document, you can share it in History Hub.

Herencia cheat sheets
We created special cheat sheets for this campaign to help you enter Spanish and Latin characters using an English keyboard.
View and download them here: Spanish and Latin resources.
You can also find them on the By the People Resources page.

Image filters can help!
This campaign contains some difficult-to-read pages. Our viewer filters may help you read light, dark, or blurry pages by allowing you to adjust the brightness and contrast.
Access the filters by clicking on the icon at the top of the image viewer (located between "flip horizontally" and "toggle full page").
The filters build upon each other, so you can apply more than one at a time.

Need more help? Check out the How-To Guide
You can access full instructions at any time while transcribing or reviewing. Just click the blue How-To Guide button above the transcription box.
The guide also includes campaign descriptions and other helpful context under "About This Campaign".
View or print instructions in a separate webpage by visiting How-To at the top of your screen on any page.