Briefs: Other Civil Disputes
Briefs are written legal documents presented to a court arguing why one party to a case should prevail over the other. Documents in this subsection address a variety of topics, including disputes over titles of nobility, the rights of defendants facing eviction, the rights of plaintiffs to operate businesses and sell certain commodities, and the administration of corporations.
Expedientes jurídicos: Disputas civiles adicionales
Los expedientes jurídicos son documentos legales redactados y llevados ante un tribunal para presentar querellas y argüir por qué una de las partes de un caso debe prevalecer sobre la otra. Los documentos de esta subsección lidian con varios temas, entre ellos disputas sobre títulos nobiliarios, casos de desalojo, reportes sobre los derechos de los demandantes con respecto al manejo de empresas, mercancía y sobre administración corporativa.
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![Brief on behalf Fausto Francisco de Palafox Rebolledo, Admiral of the Kingdom of Aragón, Marquis of Ariza, of the La Guardia and Count of Santa Eufemia, versus Pedro Jordan Vicente de Urries, Marquis of Ayerbe and of Lierta, as legal representative of his son, Pedro Jordan, Baron of Torroellas, concerning title to the Baronies of Sigués, of Rafael and of Javierre Latre. [June 5, 1782].](
Brief on behalf Fausto Francisco de Palafox Rebolledo, Admiral of the Kingdom of Aragón, Marquis of Ariza, of the La Guardia and Count of Santa Eufemia, versus Pedro Jordan Vicente de Urries, Marquis of Ayerbe and of Lierta, as legal representative of his son, Pedro Jordan, Baron of Torroellas, concerning title to the Baronies of Sigués, of Rafael and of Javierre Latre. [June 5, 1782].
![Brief on behalf Pedro Jordan Vicente de Urries, Marquis of Ayerbe and of Lierta on behalf his son, Pedro Jordan, Baron of Torroellas, versus Fausto Francisco de Palafox Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza Barboles Eguarás, concerning title to the Baronies of Sigués, of Rafael and of Javierre Latre. [February 1, 1781].](