Briefs: Wills, Trusts, Inheritances and Gifts, 18th-19th Centuries
Briefs are written legal documents presented to a court arguing why one party to a case should prevail over the other. The majority of documents in this subsection concern inheritance rights to estates, while others concern the execution of wills, gifts, and trusts bestowed upon children, widows, and other family members.
Expedientes jurídicos: Testamentos, herencias y obsequios, siglos XVIII al XIX
Los expedientes jurídicos son documentos legales redactados y llevados ante un tribunal para presentar querellas y argüir por qué una de las partes de un caso debe prevalecer sobre la otra. La mayoría de los documentos de esta subsección tratan sobre los derechos de herencia de bienes y otros abarcan asuntos relacionados a la ejecución de testamentos, obsequios y fideicomisos otorgados a menores, viudas y otros miembros de la familia.
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![Brief on appeal on behalf the Rector and the School of Nuestra Señora de Belen of the Religious Order of the Jesuits of the city of Barcelona and the Nobleman Antonio de Senjust y de Planella versus the Nobleman Francisco de Vilamala, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Gaspar Puigmarí. [April 7, 1702].](
Brief on appeal on behalf the Rector and the School of Nuestra Señora de Belen of the Religious Order of the Jesuits of the city of Barcelona and the Nobleman Antonio de Senjust y de Planella versus the Nobleman Francisco de Vilamala, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Gaspar Puigmarí. [April 7, 1702].
![Brief on behalf Francisco Vilana Vilamala y de Puigmarí versus the Rector and the School of Nuestra Señora de Belén of the Religious Order of the Jesuits of the city of Barcelona and the spouses José de Cortada y Bru, Constable of the Audience of Barcelona and Teresa de Senjust Cortada y de Planella, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Gaspar Puigmarí. [December 12, 1731].](
Brief on behalf Francisco Vilana Vilamala y de Puigmarí versus the Rector and the School of Nuestra Señora de Belén of the Religious Order of the Jesuits of the city of Barcelona and the spouses José de Cortada y Bru, Constable of the Audience of Barcelona and Teresa de Senjust Cortada y de Planella, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Gaspar Puigmarí. [December 12, 1731].
![Royal judgment of December 18, 1730 for José de Solis Gante, Duke of Montellano, father and legal representative of Alfonso Vicente de Solis and Gante Folch de Cardona, Count of Saldueña, Marquis of Castellnovo and Pons in the case against Pedro de Silva Marquis of Villazor and Count of Montesanto, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Luis de Queralt y Alagón, Count of Santa Coloma and Marquis of Pons.](