“Miscellaneous” is one of the six original categories of the Spanish Legal documents collection. This category was used to group a variety of subjects, which include items such as statements issued by members of the Spanish armed forces; agreements between kingdoms of Spain; records on controversies on religious ceremonial rites; statements submitted to the kings of Spain; appointments, petitions to the king; records of the inquiries, oaths of allegiance to the kings of Spain by the ambassadors of the crown, royal answers to petitions by the Catholic church; academic speeches; and letters by pretenders to the throne of Spain.
“Miscelánea” es una de las seis categorías que forman parte de la colección Herencia: Spanish Legal Documents. Ésta agrupa una gran variedad de temas, entre ellos: declaraciones del ejército español; acuerdos entre los reinos españoles; registros sobre controversias ceremoniales y religiosas; declaraciones dirigidas a los Reyes; citas, peticiones; registros de consultas; juramentos de lealtad a los Reyes y a los embajadores de la corona; respuestas de los Reyes a peticiones de la Iglesia; discursos académicos; y cartas de pretendientes al trono español.
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![Records of the correspondence between the Marquis of Villaverde of the city of Zaragoza and the King of Spain, concerning the appointment to certain public posts [i.e. fiadores] of certain persons by said Marquis of Villaverde acting in his capacity as Auditor of the city of Zaragoza in order to protect its Treasury Department. [Ca. 1682].](https://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/service:ll:llhsp:llhsp_misc_02:00109/full/pct:12.5/0/default.jpg#h=432&w=326)
Records of the correspondence between the Marquis of Villaverde of the city of Zaragoza and the King of Spain, concerning the appointment to certain public posts [i.e. fiadores] of certain persons by said Marquis of Villaverde acting in his capacity as Auditor of the city of Zaragoza in order to protect its Treasury Department. [Ca. 1682].
![Petition by the Parlament of Deputies of the Princedom of Catalonia to the King of Spain, requesting him to declare the infringement of certain Catalonian statutes and regulations in the assigment of the property of the estate of Gerónima Alemany Juan y Malars to María Angela and José Alemany. [Ca. 1686].](https://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/service:ll:llhsp:llhsp_misc_02:00156/full/pct:12.5/0/default.jpg#h=479&w=351)