Opinions & Judgments: Royal and regional rulings
“Opinions and Judgments” is one of the six original categories of the Spanish Legal documents collection. These include decisions rendered by the king’s courts, opinions by the attorneys of the king, as well as local courts’ judgments concerning a variety of cases and subjects. Most prominent are inheritance and estate, dowry, and titles of nobility cases.
Opiniones y juicios: fallos reales y regionales
“Opiniones y juicios” es una de las seis categorías originales de la colección de documentos jurídicos españoles. Ésta incluye decisiones reproducidas por las audiencias del rey, opiniones por abogados del rey y juicios de tribunales locales relativo a varios casos y temáticas. Lo más destacado son las herencias y la heredad, dotes y títulos de casos nobiliarios.
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Judgment of January 13, 1708 issued by Lorenzo de Tomás Costa on behalf of the Secular Tribunal of Bajuli in Catalonia, the Fiscal Procurator and the priests of the Royal Monastery of Santa María de la Merced of the city of Barcelona versus the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the city of Barcelona, Juan Coma Sorts, a priest, and the Curate of the Parish Church of San Jacobo of the city of Barcelona, concerning certain ecclesiastical privileges.

Royal Judgment of October 16, 1719 issued by Leonardo Gutiérrez de la Huerta on behalf of the spouses Agustín Copons de Copons and Cayetana de Copons Oms Santa-Pau Desbosh San Vicente Sarriera, Marchioness of Moyá and Baroness of Santa-Pau, in the case against the spouses José de Rocabertí Lupiá and María Ignacia de Rocabertí Oms Sarriera, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Antonio de Oms y de Santa-Pau.

Judgment of September 28, 1707 issued by Juan de Vilardaga on behalf of Benedicto Compte, a priest of the parish church of San Esteván of the village of Olot, in the case against the community of priests of the same village, concerning Benedicto Compte's right to support as a priest of said Church of San Esteván.