Opinions & Judgments: Royal and regional rulings
“Opinions and Judgments” is one of the six original categories of the Spanish Legal documents collection. These include decisions rendered by the king’s courts, opinions by the attorneys of the king, as well as local courts’ judgments concerning a variety of cases and subjects. Most prominent are inheritance and estate, dowry, and titles of nobility cases.
Opiniones y juicios: fallos reales y regionales
“Opiniones y juicios” es una de las seis categorías originales de la colección de documentos jurídicos españoles. Ésta incluye decisiones reproducidas por las audiencias del rey, opiniones por abogados del rey y juicios de tribunales locales relativo a varios casos y temáticas. Lo más destacado son las herencias y la heredad, dotes y títulos de casos nobiliarios.
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Royal judgment of October 17, 1699 for Gerónima de Corbera San Climent, Marchioness of Serdañola and a member of the Supreme Council of His Majesty of the Kingdom of Aragón in the case against Diego de Sarmiento and Isabel María de Sarmiento y de Corbera, concerning certain inheritance rights in the estate of Rimbaldo de Corbera.

Royal Judgment of January 29, 1740 issued by Ignacio de Rius on behalf of Francisco Desvilar Desprat in the case against Gerónimo de Ferrer y de Llupiá, the Fiscal Prosecutor of the District of Tavertet, concerning Francisco Desvilar Desprat's nobility rights and title to the real estate property known as "Manso Vilar".