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Transcribing Sheet Music of the Musical Theater
In this campaign, we aim to transcribe nearly all text found in these 16,000 pieces of sheet music from 1880-1922.
Our goal in transcribing sheet music text is enabling keyword search and improving discovery.
This transcription project may not suitable for all volunteers. Some items include potentially offensive and racist language and views, which reflect both their time and circumstances.

DO transcribe
Capture the sheet music's descriptive text, including titles, lyrics, publication information, and advertisements.
You should also transcribe tempo markings, such as moderato, allegro, allegretto, etc.
Transcribe these in the order they appear on the page.

DON'T transcribe
Do not transcribe musical notation, such as time and key signatures or dynamic markings.
Do not transcribe hyphens within lyrics.

Learn more
We've created an illustrated guide to transcribing sheet music to help you along.
View and download it here: Transcribing Sheet Music PDF.

Not suitable for all transcribers
Because of potentially offensive and racist language and views, which reflect both their time and circumstances, this transcription project may not suitable for all volunteers.
We have many other collections available for transcription on our Campaigns page.

Need more help? Check out the How-To Guide
You can access full instructions at any time while transcribing or reviewing. Just click the blue How-To Guide button above the transcription box.
The guide also includes campaign descriptions and other helpful context under "About This Campaign".
View or print instructions in a separate webpage by visiting How-To at the top of your screen on any page.