Olmsted Family Journals, 1777-1888

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A group of journals makes up the first of eight series in the Frederick Law Olmsted Papers collection at the Library of Congress.  The journals range in date from 1777 to 1888. Key journals were written by traveler, writer, and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) while others originate with additional members of the Olmsted family. The journals vary in content from travel accounts to household expense books and are arranged alphabetically by name of family member. In addition to the 1843, 1863, and undated journals by Frederick Law Olmsted, there are items from niece and adopted daughter Charlotte Olmsted (1864 journal pages from Bear Valley, California), grand-uncle and seafarer Gideon Olmsted, father and Hartford civic leader John Olmsted, nephew and adopted son John C. Olmsted, and typed transcripts prepared by second wife Mary Cleveland Olmsted.

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